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Tecnautic Autopilot and Joystick Steering

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joystick3-D Joystick: for maneuvering and for Hover or Anchor and Speed Mode.  $1252.-  Multiple installations. ThrottlesThrottle Station: Gyro stabilized helm with Engine and Thruster Controls. $1430.- / $1697.-  Multiple installations. Portable FBW Stationmobile Throttle Station: Gyro stabilized helm with Engine and Thruster Controls.. $1162.- / 1266.- Multiple installations. AP ControlAutopilot Contol Unit: 
actuatorThrottle Actuator:
For Governor Control by Morse cable. $1102.- 
actuatorShift Actuator:
For clutch or shift control by Morse cable.
Controls the Actuators or   
For direct connection of electronically controlled engines and gear boxes. $1036
Reversible PumpRudder Pump:  
For hydraulic Rudder Drives.
$794.-  Or
Proportional Valve:

For large hydraulic Rudder Drives.
YD Bridge
CAN Bridge:

for NMEA2000 and J1939
Connects to Rudder Pump or mechanical Drive or
Proportional Valve and Thrusters.  $1036.- 
Heading GyroCompassGPS 100WXLog Sensor Sensor Options:
● Heading Gyro (included)
● Compass (Magnetometer or GPS)
● GPS Position Sensor
● Wind Sensor Ultrasonic
● Log Sensor (Paddle or Sonic) ..
● NMEA2000: all sensors